Intensive Eurythmy Movement Workshop

30. June – 3. July 2024 
4 days á 4 hours : 10:00 – 14:00

Eurythmie in griechischer Atmosphäre, Äther, Luft, Landschaft…
ein Erlebnis besonderer ART.
Meine Freundin, die Tänzerin Christina Markopoulou
lädt ein in ihr wunderschönes Tanzstudio im KünstlerQuartier von ATHEN. Wir freuen uns auf Euch.
This intensive Eurythmy workshop – from cosmic forces to our physical body- share elements from EurythmyTherapy to experience, study, and practice. With eurythmy movements and postures, concrete connections and resonances between macrocosmic and microcosmic laws can be established. We work with archetypes and guidance of complex energies. During the four days we will walk through the 12 force fields of the zodiac and learn how they relate to our body, soul and spirit. The focus is on health issues.
Knowledge of eurythmy or anthroposophy is not a condition for taking part in the course. Participants will receive a confirmation of their attendance and a handout/script with study material. The teaching style is focussed, meditative, moving and reflective. Please bring paper and pens for your own notes.
Appropriate for therapists, teachers, dancers, musicians, eurythmists, dance therapists and whoever feels a real need to connect.
The workshop will be held in English (with German and Greek translation if needed) by
Vera Koppehel / Master of Arts Eurythmy Stage &Therapy.
Member of CID – International Dance Council / UNESCO
For information & registrations:
Αλλήλων Κέντρο Χορού & Μουσικής, Έρευνα-Σύμπραξη τεχνών
Νευροκοπίου 18, 118 55, Kerameikos,
Athens, Greece
Participation fee:
210 Euros for all four days
180 (early bird till 2/6)
Special discount for students & members of Αλλήλων Κέντρο Χορού & Μουσικής